Posts tagged virtual reality
A Non-Obvious Look at Life in 2053 with Rohit Bhargava

For the Summer of 2023, a dozen futurists talk about what life will be like for humans in 30 to 50 years. Each guest is asked to paint a picture of the changes that we will experience between now and 2053 or 2073. Then they are asked what mistakes we are making today that the people of 2073 will look back at in disbelief. The goal of these episodes is to spark the imagination of listeners about the future we have the ability to create.

In this episode, futurist Rohit Bhargava paints a picture of life in 2053. Rohit talks about the growing desire for analog experiences that deepen human connection, innovative ways for ending loneliness, the future of virtual relationships, and how we will manage our authentic selves in a multi-versal world. Rohit also talks about the future of space exploration. He ends the conversation by talking about some of the things that we are doing today that the people of 2073 will look back at in disbelief.

Rohit Bhargava is on a mission to inspire more non-obvious thinking in the world. He is the #1 Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of nine books and is widely considered one of the most entertaining and original speakers on disruption, trends and marketing in the world. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur and founding two companies, he spent 15 years leading brand strategy at Ogilvy and Leo Burnett where he advised global brands on human behavior, marketing and storytelling.

“We are in a time right now when the Surgeon General just declared loneliness to be an epidemic and loneliness, in essence, is a lack of deep human connection with one another. And I think sometimes the more digitized something gets, the less human connection we feel to it. So, the appeal of analog is we regain that human connection.” Rohit Bhargava in “A Non-Obvious Look at Life in 2053 with Rohit Bhargava” talking about the trend of people choosing experiences that are analog over digital.

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Futurist Friday with Daniel Sisson

In this episode, Daniel Sisson joins the show. With an international business background, Daniel has spent his career in the San Francisco tech industry in a wide variety of roles for startup companies. He is a self-taught developer obsessed with virtual reality. the Metaverse. and the potential those technologies will present to the world.

In this interview, Daniel shares some of the newsletter sources he finds valuable for his research, he talks about political polarization in the United States and Europe, and he discusses the technologies he finds fascinating including virtual reality, the Metaverse, cryptocurrency and blockchain, artificial intelligence and robotics, and even space colonization. The interview concludes with what fills Daniel with optimism - the rise of the creator class and the attitudes of young people who are putting an emphasis on the “life” part of work/life balance.

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The Future of Social Media with Ross Dawson

In this episode, Don MacPherson is joined by Futurist Ross Dawson to discuss the future of social media. They explore the growth of social media over the last two decades, potential forms of regulation, and the role of social media in the coming decades. Ross provides some potential solutions for the negative effects of social media use including nonprofit networks, user ownership of data, and AI technologies for regulating harmful content.

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The Future of Leadership with Dr. Robert Eichinger

The leader of the future ranks high in emotional intelligence, uses technology to enhance leadership effectiveness, moves up the ladder quickly, and practices mindfulness throughout their work. In this interview, podcast host Don MacPherson and Dr. Robert Eichinger look ahead at the future of leadership and identify trends that will disrupt the way we develop, promote, and practice leadership over the next decade. They discuss the importance of emotional intelligence, the role of mindfulness, and how technology will support our leaders as we shift from IQ to an EQ focus.

Dr. Robert Eichinger is an expert in leadership with over five decades of experience. He is co-founder of TeamTelligent and has authored over 50 books, articles, software products, and other intellectual property around the topic of talent management and succession planning.

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Making Sense of the Future: An Interview with Cecily Sommers

Over the last decade, technology has transformed life as we know it and innovation continues to accelerate. To help us understand how to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, we spoke with widely acclaimed futurist Cecily Sommers.

In this interview, podcast host Don MacPherson and Cecily look ahead at the forces shaping our future and identify some trends that will disrupt the way we live and work over the next decade. We touch on the impact of climate change, migration, changing birth rates, and more. We also discuss how we can be best prepared to embrace the changes to come and lean into new technology that makes us uncomfortable.

Cecily Sommers is a futurist and innovation expert. She speaks, write and consults on emerging trends, markets, and technologies shaping business and society.

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"The Future Of..." Season Three Launches February 11th!

12 Geniuses is back and celebrating the new decade with a new season. Season Three is dedicated to the theme of “The Future of…” We are dedicating all 12 episodes to interviews with geniuses who are creating the future or who can help us understand the dramatic changes the future will bring. If you want to better understand how you, your team, and your organization can be better prepared for the future, this season of the podcast is for you. The first episode of Season Three is an interview with futurist Cecily Sommers. That episode is available on February 11th. We hope you’ll subscribe and tune in!

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Morgan Mercer | Solving Sexual Harassment & Bullying

A breakthrough tech entrepreneur, Morgan Mercer discusses the power of Virtual Reality in building empathy and creating a safer work environment. Of the women that report sexual harassment in their workplace, 80% leave within two years. This has significant ripple effects from a career change, loss of economic opportunity, and even tarnished company profiles. As we look to the next decade, we have many social issues to resolve and one of the best ways to do that will be through empathy.  

In this interview, Morgan Mercer explains why we need better training for a safer workplace, the impact of #MeToo on training standards, and how to build empathy through immersive experiences. She also discusses her experience as a woman of color in the tech industry, her drive to empower others through VR, and her take on the future of VR. 

Morgan Mercer is the CEO and Founder of Vantage Point which serves clients around the world from their headquarters in Los Angeles.

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First Quarter Review - Joey Torkildson Interviews 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson

How did your first quarter of 2019 end? Did you accomplish all that you wanted to get done? Did you meet the people you’d hoped you would? Did you go where you wanted to go? It’s helpful to do an inventory of what we have been paying attention to, where we went, what we learned, who we met, and what’s up next. That’s exactly what two friends do in this special episode of 12 Geniuses. Joey Torkildson, the host of The Grind Podcast, spends some time talking with Don MacPherson about how Q1 of 2019 went for 12 Geniuses. They cover a wide range of topics from rapidly advancing technology to traveling in Europe, to what the lineup of genius podcast guests looks like for the rest of the year.

Topics Covered

Technology: Artificial Intelligence, robotics, wearables, virtual reality, the Internet of Things

Travel: Las Vegas, Lone Pine, CA, Death Valley, Washington DC, New Haven, CT, Yale University, New York City, Phoenix, Honfleur, France, D-Day Beaches

Speaking Engagement: Fuel Work HR Technology Expo on April 10th, 2019

12 Geniuses Guests: Rebecca Ryan, Lauren Azar, Chris Farrell, Patrick Riley, Daniel Pink, Andrew Winston, Giadha Aguirre de Carcer

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A Look at the Year Ahead with 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson

In this special edition podcast, Devon McGrath interviews 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson. Don shares what he learned in 2018 and where the focus of the podcast and company will be in the new year.

While reviewing 2018, Don and Devon talk about learning Arabic, the art and science of podcasting, fatherhood, entrepreneurship, futurist camp, technologies that are changing the way we live and work, the threat of technology addiction, and why change is so difficult. Then, they shift their focus to what is on the horizon for 12 Geniuses in 2019. They discuss changing demographics and an aging population, cryptocurrency, the ethics of gene editing, global governmental cooperation, the economic opportunity of cannabis, prison reform, and immigration reform.

Other topics include Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, wearable technologies, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles.

“There are currently about a billion people over the age of 60 in the world now. By mid-century it will be two billion. What does that mean for the workforce? What does that mean to society and how we design our communities and companies?”

Don MacPherson, CEO of 12 Geniuses, discussing aging and how that trend will shape our future.

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