Posts tagged big data
Revisiting Cybersecurity Trends with Max Heinemeyer

It’s been two years since cybersecurity expert Max Heinemeyer first joined the show to discuss trends in cybersecurity. In this update, Don and Max discuss the people and organizations behind the hacks that have recently devastated companies, our infrastructure and governments. They also discuss current cyberthreats and vulnerabilities, and how joint efforts between government and the private sector can help protect citizens all over the world against cybercrime.

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The Future of Privacy with Dr. Carissa Véliz

In this interview, Don MacPherson is joined by Dr. Carissa Véliz, an expert in digital ethics with an emphasis on privacy and AI ethics. They discuss the state of privacy today, the countless ways in which organizations track, store, and analyze our data, and the importance of maintaining our privacy both online and in the real world. Carissa offers advice on how to protect yourself online, and insights on how you can stand up and demand better data protection from organizations and the government.

Dr. Carissa Véliz, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford, is an expert in digital ethics. Dr. Véliz specializes in privacy and AI ethics along with political philosophy and public policy. Dr. Véliz is the author of Privacy is Power and the editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics.

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Ben Waber | MIT, AI, & the Power of People Analytics

An innovative leader in the field of people analytics, Ben Waber discusses the creative ways companies can unleash the full potential of their employees. Through data, companies can devise new management techniques, adjust the physical environment, and even re-design the employee experience to improve performance at all levels. Companies already have mountains of data available to them through ID badge scans, emails, meeting assignments and much more. Driven by a passion to help companies interpret this data, Ben Waber has created a company that uses AI to simplify the numbers and help leaders make better decisions.

In this interview, Ben talks about the creative environment at MIT. He explains how analytics can be used to inform company-wide decisions, understand how teams are working together, and improve individual career development. Ben also describes how the data can help us better understand bias and influence decision making. Finally, Ben talks about the future implementation of the technology and the ethical questions it may raise about employee and user privacy.

Ben Waber is President and Co-Founder of Humanyze, a behavior analytics company. For over 15 years, Ben has studied, researched, and implemented new technology to better understand human behavior.

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Threat Hunter Max Heinemeyer | Innovations in Cybersecurity

An expert in cybersecurity, Max Heinemeyer explains how we can prevent attacks from malicious hackers both in our personal and professional lives. Vulnerability on the Internet has increased exponentially as new “smart” devices and appliances are tied into our networks every day. In a world where we have learned to protect ourselves from physical threats, we must learn how to protect ourselves and our companies from cyber threats as well.  

In this interview, Max defines the threats we face each day on the Internet, how malicious hackers have evolved, and the increasing complexity of cybersecurity. Max also provides tips and solutions for safeguarding your personal and business information. 

Max is Director of Threat Hunting for Darktrace and works in their Cambridge, United Kingdom office. He works with companies to help them investigate and respond to threats, while additionally overseeing the 30+ member cybersecurity analyst team. Max also has extensive experience as a white hat hacker.

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Lauren Azar | The Future of Energy in America

Imagine life in the year 1900. Imagine how people heated their homes. Think about how people got from place to place. Yes, there was the steam engine, but personal travel was walking or with a horse and buggy. The world is better than ever and one of the foundational reasons for this is because of access to energy. On a daily basis, the average person is estimated to use about 41 pounds of coal in energy per day…that’s 15,000 pounds a year. But that is changing quickly. In this interview, energy expert Lauren Azar talks about her 25 year career in the energy field and what the future of energy in America will look like. Lauren discusses:

Part I: Working in the Field of Energy

Mentorship, young people entering the energy field, energy industry law, working in the Department of Energy, working for the federal government, working for Secretary Chu, navigating hard power and soft power in decision making, working in a male dominated industry

Part II: Planning for Changes in Energy Sources and Overall Consumption.

Energy policy planning, security vulnerabilities in the electrical grid system, the future of coal in America, the future of renewable energy, energy storage methods (battery, compressed air, etc), solar panels, internet of things and AI’s impact on energy, solar roads

Organizations, People, and Resources Mentioned: Former Secretary of the Department of Energy Steven Chu, Xcel Energy

“Once energy storage becomes cost effective, we no longer need to have just-in-time infrastructure. That is going to fundamentally change this industry. It’s going to fundamentally change this nation.”

Lauren Azar on the impact energy storage capabilities will have on our future energy supply.

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