The Future of Privacy with Dr. Carissa Véliz
Dr. Carissa Véliz
60% of Americans believe it’s impossible to go through their daily life without companies and the government collecting their data. And they’re right. But according to our guest Dr. Carissa Véliz, that’s not how it should be.
In this interview, Don MacPherson is joined by Dr. Carissa Véliz, an expert in digital ethics with an emphasis on privacy and AI ethics. They discuss the state of privacy today, the countless ways in which organizations track, store, and analyze our data, and the importance of maintaining our privacy both online and in the real world. Carissa offers advice for how to protect yourself online, and insights on how you can stand up and demand better data protection from organizations and the government.
Season Three of the podcast is dedicated to exploring the future and how life is sure to change over the next decade. This episode provides insight into how invasions of privacy and the fight to maintain it will disrupt the way we live and work.
Dr. Carissa Véliz, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford, is an expert in digital ethics. Dr. Véliz specializes in privacy and AI ethics along with political philosophy and public policy. Dr. Véliz is the author of Privacy is Power and the editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics.
Topics Discussed: Ways companies and governments collect our data, erosion of privacy, the state of privacy, the role of data brokers, anonymous data, audio beacons, facial recognition technology, stingrays, heart-rate identifying technology, government involvement in surveillance, Twitter, Facebook, the Cambridge Analytica scandal, landmark events in privacy, big data and elections, privacy as a right, GDPR, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), commercial genetic tests, abusing genetic data, how privacy policy should be, privacy ethics, Privacy is Power, fiduciary duties, Apple, Google, ways to protect your data, the ideal future.
Learn more about Carissa Véliz on her website:
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