Posts tagged Carbon Capture
Futurist Friday with Trond Undheim

In this episode, Trond Undheim joins the show. Based outside of Boston. Trond is a futurist, podcaster, investor, author, speaker, entrepreneur and the former director of MIT Startup Exchange. He has written six books including Leadership from Below, Disruption Games, Pandemic Aftermath: How Coronavirus Changes Global Society, and the soon-to-be released Augmented Lean.

In this discussion, Trond talks about his research which is focused on industrial technology and how it can contribute to regeneration and a more sustainable planet while creating an environment in which humans can flourish. He shares how he conducts his research and vets his sources. Trond shares his opinions on the limitations of carbon capture storage and he talks about his vision for humanistic technology in industrial settings that requires very little training in order for workers to operate it effectively. Finally, Trond discusses why human ingenuity fills him with optimism and he gives parting advice to leaders who want to be better visionaries for their organizations.

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The Future of Climate Change with Dr. Leah Stokes

In this episode, Don and Dr. Leah Stokes discuss the state of the climate today, possible climate scenarios for the future, the technologies most important to combating climate change, and what we need to do to protect our planet. Dr. Stokes also outlines the impact of new federal leadership in the United States and the role of international collaboration in preserving the climate.

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Mehrdad Mahoutian | A Concrete Innovation for Climate Change

An innovator in the field of carbon dioxide capture and building materials, Mehrdad Mahoutian discusses his journey to discovering a new process for creating concrete and his quest to use waste materials to create high-value products. More than 5% of global CO2 emissions comes from the production of concrete. The impact of this is so high that for every ton of concrete made, a ton of carbon is released into our air. Mehrdad’s innovative concrete-making process solves this problem and more, while making a stronger, cheaper, and carbon-negative construction material. As we tackle climate change, we will need thousands of innovations like Carbicrete to stop global warming.

In this interview, Mehrdad describes the problem cement and the resulting CO2 creates for our environment and shares how he came up with a carbon-negative process to create cement-free concrete. He also shares the failure along his innovative journey and how he came to see his new process as a viable product for mass production. Mehrdad also discusses the barriers to industry-wide adoption of the new process and how governments are responding to Carbicrete. Finally, Mehrdad explains the potential for the emerging market of CO2 based products and the integral role consumers and organizations will play in reducing our carbon emissions.

Mehrdad Mahoutian is CTO and Co-Founder of Carbicrete, a company that has developed a concrete-making process that is cement-free and carbon-negative.

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Third Quarter Review

What did you accomplish in the third quarter of 2019? How do you plan to finish out this decade? What are your goals for 2020? In this special episode, Don and Devon talk about what they’re paying attention to, where Don traveled, what they’ve learned, and what they have planned for the show. Devon McGrath, Assistant Producer of 12 Geniuses talks with Don about recording the Leadership Moments, lessons from parenthood, remarkable travel moments, and what guests they have planned for Seasons Two and Three.

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Season One Review - Ryan Estis Interviews 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson

That’s a wrap! 12 Geniuses Season One is now complete. Looking back at the growth of the podcast over the first season, it’s clear we learned quite a bit! In this special episode of 12 Geniuses, Ryan Estis and Don MacPherson sit down together to talk about what went well, what challenges arose, and some highlights from the first season. The two friends also chat about what is coming up next for 12 Geniuses in Season Two! Don shares some episode topics, exciting guests to look forward to, and ways you can get more 12 Geniuses content in the meantime.

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Second Quarter Review - Laurie Ruettimann Interviews 12 Geniuses CEO Don MacPherson

How did your second quarter of 2019 end? Did you accomplish all that you wanted to get done? Did you meet the people you’d hoped you would? Did you go where you wanted to go? It’s helpful to do an inventory of what we have been paying attention to, where we went, what we learned, who we met, and what’s up next. That’s exactly what two friends do in this special episode of 12 Geniuses. Laurie Ruettimann, the host of the Let’s Fix Work podcast, spends some time talking with Don MacPherson about how Q2 of 2019 went for 12 Geniuses. They cover a wide range of topics from technology trends, travel, parenthood, and what the 12 Geniuses audience can expect on the podcast over the rest of 2019.

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Andrew Winston | Cashing in on Climate Change

Andrew Winston has worked in the clean business industry for over a decade. Globally recognized as an expert on how companies can navigate climate change for profit, Andrew has thoroughly researched the importance of adaptability for companies in this time of change. In this interview, Andrew discusses the implications of changing climate from what our new world will look like to how we can all participate in saving the environment. Andrew also provides insight on how businesses can harness the environmental movement for better employee engagement, increased profits, and company longevity. In this interview, Andrew discusses:  

Part One: The current state of the climate, creating value through sustainability, the pace of warming, defining global warming and climate change, the 1.5 Degree Report, changes to Earth’s geography, The Paris Agreement, We’re Still In movement in the United States, how countries are working to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, how to slow down climate change.

Part Two: The Big Pivot, consumer access to sustainability information, how large sized companies are making environmentally conscious changes, attracting employees with an eco-friendly company culture, the clean economy, how to make your company eco-friendly, investment opportunities in the clean economy, innovations to help save our planet.

Andrew’s publications are available on amazon at:  

More information about Andrew is available at

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