Posts tagged Cold War
The Future of Humanity with David Houle

In this episode, Don MacPherson is joined by Futurist David Houle as they discuss the future of humanity. David argues that humans are at a fork in the road with one path leading to utopia and the other leading to oblivion. David and Don examine the forces shifting the future of humanity including climate change, AI, quantum computing, and biomechanics.

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Leadership Moment - Stanislav Petrov

This week’s Leadership Moment - Stanislav Petrov - Decision Making

This is the story of the man who saved the world. The year was 1983. The cold war between the Soviet Union and United States was heightened. Nuclear missiles were aimed at Moscow and other high value targets, while Soviet nuclear subs prowled the American east coast around the clock.

On the morning of September 26th in a Soviet bunker, alarms were triggered, sirens howled, while electronic screens indicated the Americans had just launched five missiles toward the USSR.

Estimated time to detonation: just 25 minutes…

Listen to this episode to hear how Stanislav Petrov, through leadership and the right decisions, saved the world.

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