Futurist Friday with Cecily Sommers

Over the course of the summer of 2022, we are releasing 12 interviews with futurists and forward thinkers in order to help our global audience of leaders become better visionaries for their organizations and be more prepared for our uncertain future.

In this episode, Cecily Sommers joins the show. Cecily is the author of "Think Like A Futurist" and has been named as one of the “Top 50 Female Futurists" by Forbes. She speaks, writes, and consults on the forces of change and the technologies shaping business and society, and how to turn them into catalysts for strategy.

Cecily shares how she identifies trends, vets sources, what trends she is following, and what’s filling her with a sense of optimism.

Resources From This Episode

Buy Think Like A Futurist by Cecily Sommers

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