Leadership Moment - General Lucian Truscott


Leadership Moment - General Lucian Truscott - Recognition

What is the most memorable recognition you’ve ever received? The chances are it came from someone you respect greatly, there was probably little or maybe no monetary value associated with it, and it felt exceptionally validating.

Many great leaders know that recognition is one of the most powerful motivators. Army General Lucian Truscott was one of those leaders.

On May 30th, 1945, the United States solemnly celebrated Memorial Day. World War II had just ended in Europe and the war raged on in the Pacific. Sacrifice and loss had been dreadful but victory was becoming reality. A small gathering of dignitaries arrived to officially dedicate an American cemetery in Italy. General Truscott was slated to speak…

To learn more about this incredible leader, listen to the podcast above.

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